
In 48 hours Jeremy will be taking off with 28 students and 6 adults to Honduras for 10 days. While they are there they will be hosting a series of 1 day VBS programs to over 600 kids, building bunk beds and various other things that are needed. While they are there he is hoping to post on his blog so if you want to follow the blog you can go to www.godeepblog.com . We appreciate your prayers for this group as they travel. I know that God is going to do big things through each of them as they are being the hands and feet of Jesus to the people in Honduras!


Anonymous said…
Just wanted to thank you for the important cockroach/luggage information you shared with me prior to this trip! That along with Jeremy's latest blog have got me going buggy :-) Jacob's luggage may never be allowed back into our home!

I think your flowers are fine - but what do I know. You might regret the day you asked me to do such things as watering...
Congratulations! I am in Brazil and in 2004 in Honduras had stories that needed much of Jesus, many children in poverty. Well, always had an affection for this country since then.
May God abençõe this work.

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