Can you guess where we went?

Does the picture give it away....we headed out to the Apple Orchard this weekend! Jeremy's parents came out on Sunday and after church we headed out to pick apples at the orchard. It was a beautiful day, perfect for doing something outside!

So now that I have all of these apples in my fridge I have been busy making applesauce. The girls helped me last night make an apple dessert, we have been having lots of fun together in the kitchen! I have to say that Fall is my favorite season! Today was a perfect cool day to be cooking in the kitchen!


Unknown said…
I love fall! And I'd love to take the kids to pick apples this year. Until then, I'll just get some more at the market at make more sauce. Mmmm.
I could hardly recognize George without a Cardinals shirt on!
Kelly said…
Yes, I was thinking of you guys. It WAS the perfect day. We thought we would do something outdoors too, but ended up inside all day with colds! Guess we haven't had our "apple a day." :)

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