Who's coming to visit?
Well it looks like the tooth fairy will be making a visit to our house tonight. Marissa finally lost one of her front teeth. It has been dangling for about a week now and she wouldn't let anyone pull it for her. By the way, what are you suppose to say when your child asks you.....what does the tooth fairy look like and how does "she" come into our house and why does she collect teeth and how big is she? I was trying to use my imagination to answer her questions. Hopefully i will remember what i said for when the next kid looses a tooth and ask the same questions.
This year for Mother's Day, my mom made me an album of all of my baby pictures along with my school pictures. Thanks mom for making the album, it is one of my favorite gifts! I know that my family has enjoyed looking through the book and laughing at some of my dated outfits and hair styles.
Marissa hasn't had her school pictures taken yet, which made me wonder what my 2nd grade picture looked like. So since i had my book i decided to see which teeth i was missing for my pictures. So yes....the girl on the left is me the same age as Marissa now.

This year for Mother's Day, my mom made me an album of all of my baby pictures along with my school pictures. Thanks mom for making the album, it is one of my favorite gifts! I know that my family has enjoyed looking through the book and laughing at some of my dated outfits and hair styles.
Marissa hasn't had her school pictures taken yet, which made me wonder what my 2nd grade picture looked like. So since i had my book i decided to see which teeth i was missing for my pictures. So yes....the girl on the left is me the same age as Marissa now.

Good thing you're the fun mom. Someone has to balance people like me out! Hip hip hooray for the tooth fairy!
I checked out your blog for the first time last week- I can't believe your girls are so grown up! It is fun to see your family. Next time you are in Indy you have to call!!