The Day has finally come....

I can't believe it has finally happened.......NO MORE DIAPERS. For the last 7 years we have been purchasing diapers. I didn't think this day would ever come. There was always another little baby on the way who needed diapers, so we never had a break from buying them. I still remember being so excited to buy diapers for the first time before our oldest daughter was born. Remember how you could afford to stock up on those before the first one came. For the last few weeks, Myah has been wearing big girl undies, even to bed and doing great so we are officially done with the diapers. I actually have 1 pack of diapers left and i can't wait to give them to my friend who has 3 little ones all in diapers right now, yikes that sure is expensive.

Well i just felt like this was a milestone worth celebrating! I have to say it is a pretty exciting feeling!


Have you guys calculated exactly how much you probably spent all those years in diapers!!???? YIKES!! Congrats to Myah!
Anonymous said…
What a big girl Miss Myah! I know the feeling, we are just excited we have another 6 months of no diapers in our family before it starts over again!
Anonymous said…
Yay! The great thing about the third child is you probably used 1/10 of the diapers anyway. You know, those things are good 'til they droop.
Anonymous said…
Ahhhh.... can I have what you're having??? :)
- Audrey
Anonymous said…
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Yes Monday is fine for get together, time is great. Just shoot me a reminder e-mail with the specifics.
Unknown said…
Wow, I am looking forward to just one kid in no diapers and we are just startin that process...without much avail I might add.

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