My wife is AWESOME!!!

(This is Jeremy). I just had to post this...

Tonight during our "God Time" (family devotions), we were limping through our normal efforts to relate God's Word to the minds of children. Actually, they were very responsive tonight... answering questions, giving input... and Marissa even pointed out that "everybody has listened to him [Satan] at least one time." (That is the most accurate restatement of Romans 3 that I have heard to date).

I have thought for several nights that it would be great to integrate some sort of time where we sing to God (but I have to admit that I wasn't looking forward to my A Capella versions of their Sunday School songs). Tonight, when I suggested that maybe we sing "Awesome God" (the only song that I knew for sure overlapped between our song repertoire)... we sat in awkward silence while Marissa was beginning to consider singing (mainly due to the awkward moment) when my wonderful wife suggested that maybe singing along with one of the songs on the CD from our Church's children's ministry might be a good idea...

HOW AWESOME! It was so cool to hear Marissa and Makayla singing (out loud) the words of one of the songs:

"I lift may hands to worship
and I sing and dance to praise You
How wonderful You are!"

Isn't that true? How wonderful He is! I could hardly fight back the tears hearing their little voices life His name higher than our own.

My prayer for my family is that we will count on the words of John 12:32... If He is lifted up, he will draw men to Himself.

My wife is so amazing... keenly aware of how our kids seen and understand life (and how to translate her husband's feeble attempts to communicate Scripture in kid's terms). She is such and amazing blessing to me and the girls! (One more time - God gives us WAY more than we deserve!)


Unknown said…
Jermey- that is sooo nice that you are so appreciative and blessed by your wonderful wife. I am sure she feels the same. Sounds like you two are doing an amazing job raising your little girls!

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