Mrs. Noah

So how many of you are like me and have heard the story of Noah's Ark over and over as a child and even as an adult? How many times when you have read that story has Mrs. Noah ever been mentioned? Not very many times but I think her role plays an important part! We know there is a Mrs. Noah because it says in Genesis 6:18 "I will confirm my covenant with you. So enter the boat-you and your wife and your sons and their wives."

The girls and I are studying the women of the Bible right now. I can't help but wonder how Mrs. Noah must of felt. Her husband got a message from the Lord to build a boat, a huge boat, not to mention that it had never rained before. This was not a little task written on a "honey do list" this took at least a hundred years to build. I can only imagine what the neighbors must have said, "that old man Noah is out of his mind", yet even though others thought they were crazy, Mrs. Noah stood by her husband and supported him! Even though God chose Noah, Mrs. Noah shared his mission.

I remember when we started sharing with others about our decision to move across several states where we knew no one to plant a church. Some people thought we were really crazy. They just could not understand why we would want to do that. Jeremy had a good job at a great church, we were fairly close to our family, a lot closer than we are now, and we had lots of friends. All I can say is that when you start to get "comfortable" in your life, God may be getting ready to call you out of your comfort zone and use you in a way you least expect!! I'm sure while living on the boat, Mrs. Noah's title changed from not only being "mom" and "wife" but maybe even "head cook", "housekeeper", or even "zoo keeper". Mrs. Noah was able to help her husband live out God's plan because she shared his belief in God. There is not one day I regret following God's call for us to move to TN to plant Journey Church. Have there been hard days? Definitely! Have there been days that I miss living by our families? Absolutely! But, I wouldn't change anything! Maybe you are thinking you can't relate to this because you haven't planted a church or built a boat, but everyone deals with changes.....maybe someone in your family has recently lost their job, or you are having to move because of a new job. Maybe someone in your family is dealing with health issues or unexpected changes in your family that you never seen coming. God knows all about those hard times and He promises to never leave us, He is right there with us all the time!!!

I'm sure the day Mrs. Noah walked onto that boat for the last time, she knew life was never going to be the same again!


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