Back to School
It is hard to believe that it is already time to start back to school. This year school for us looks a little different! For those of you who don't know, Jeremy and I decided that we would home school this year. I know some of you are reading this and saying what?!?!? That is pretty much what I said. I believe it was back in March that we started praying about whether or not we should home school. I have learned never say "never" so I suppose I didn't really use the word "never" when I talked about homeschooling, but I am pretty sure I did say things like, "I don't think I could ever do that, I have no patience or I can't imagine being home all day with my kids".
It has been amazing to see how God has transformed both Jeremy's and my heart as we prayed about this. Honestly when I first even mentioned it to Jeremy I felt sick, wondering how in the world can I do this and over time as we continued to pray I actually started to get excited about the thought of keeping the girls home and teaching them, which I know could only come from God. So on Marissa's birthday in May we told the girls that we had decided to give homeschooling a try. All three girls were very excited which helped us confirm our decision.
This week is our first week. We started on Monday, not until 11:00, but we did get started. So far the girls and I are really enjoying our time together. I know that not every day will be good. I keep praying that our good days will way out weigh the bad.
While we were praying about this decision, I was doing a Bible Study by Priscilla Shirer, called Discerning The Voice of God. In this study she said and I really was able to relate to it with our decision to home school, "When a thought comes to you out of left field, don't ignore it. Check inward to see if the Holy Spirit is encouraging you to pursue it. I often know God is speaking when a thought occurs to me that makes me feel surprised and maybe even uncomfortable because I know I can't do it on my own power. Then when I take that thought to the Lord and the Holy Spirit brings conviction that will not let me rest until I move forward, I know it is God". I know this idea to home school is not mine. I also know that God doesn't call you to do something and then leave you to do it by yourself!
Thank you to all my friends who have prayed for us and encouraged us through this decision and helped me with curriculum choices!! It is kind of ironic, I use to say while living in Bryan Ohio, "If I was to ever home school (not that I had ever given that a thought) I should do it while living in Ohio, because there were so many great families, who are also our friends, that would be such a great support network. I have no clue why we weren't called to home school back then, but I do know that God's timing is never late!!!
Here are a few pictures from our first day of school!!!
Makayla did tell me she didn't like starting school and not getting any new clothes.
I told her when she actually needed some, then I would buy some for her!
Myah sitting at her desk, she is ready to go and has her area all decorated!
Just noticed I also got the can of paint in this picture, oops!!
We love our bookcases that Papa made for us!!!!! Thanks again dad!
Makayla reading her book!
Marissa finally has her own room, and look who is sleeping with her.
We all love Myah but she is a bit of a bed hog!!!
Makayla reading her book
I have no clue why I have doubles on some of these pictures, I was starting to get frustrated and almost didn't post this, so please ignore the double pics!!!