A trip to Chicago!
In case you are wondering, I have skipped blogging for the months of Jan-May. I am hoping to go back and catch up on those too, but I was trying to get some more current stuff on here. Just about every week my to-do list contains blogging, but I guess there just aren't enough hours in the day for me to get everything done on my list. Now that the girls are back in school and all 3 of them are in school now, we will see if I can get this up to date.

While we were home this summer for a couple of weeks. We took a day and just our family went to Chicago. Of course the first stop we had to make was at the American Girl store since the girls had been saving their money for the last several months so they could get a doll.
After lunch we took a carriage ride around downtown Chicago and out on Lake Shore Drive, it was beautiful!!
We happened to go to Chicago on our Anniversary. Can't believe we are old enough to celebrate 14 years.
Later that afternoon Grammy and Grandpa came and got the girls and took them home with them so that Jeremy and I could enjoy some time by ourselves and celebrate our anniversary.